Our Lady's Abingdon - Welcome to OLA

Welcome to OLA

Our Lady’s Abingdon School (OLA) has a well-deserved reputation for providing academic excellence for boys and girls aged 7 to 18.

Our Lower School, Senior School and Sixth Form are all located on a single site with adjacent sports playing field, within easy walking distance of Abingdon Town Centre.

What makes OLA different?

Small classes

With under 400 pupils in total, OLA offers everyone the possibility of representing the school in a wide range of confidence-developing activities, including sport, drama, music, academic competitions and other chances to thrive, such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Fun and innovative learning

We have a very high teacher to pupil ratio, meaning our class sizes are smaller than you will find elsewhere. OLA provides a more individual learning experience that fully nurtures academic potential.

Highly praised pastoral care

Helps pupils to be fully engaged in the academic life of the school leading to exam results that regularly exceed pupil baseline predications. Find out more about our exam results.

Highly praised pastoral care

Our staff work closely alongside our pupils to encourage, motivate and support each child, helping them to grow as confident, successful and happy individuals.

Family community

OLA encourages an open dialogue between home and school through a range of effective channels.

Catholic Christian ethos

This is the foundation of everything we do, creating the family community so valued by OLA parents. The school accepts children of all faiths and none and helps them aspire to such values as integrity, compassion, openness, forgiveness, reconciliation, co-operation and courage.

Together these six key factors create the unique OLA learning experience.

Why Parents and Pupils Choose OLA

Why do our pupils and parents choose OLA? You can read a wide selection of their stories on the buttons below which clearly reveal how they benefit from our six key factors.


OLA was founded in 1860 by the Sisters of Mercy, a religious order which begun in Dublin in the early nineteenth century led by Catherine McAuley. Until recent times the Sisters resident in Abingdon, played a major role in the life of the school, helping to strengthen the ethos of integrity and warmth that are two of its special characteristics. Governance of the school is now devolved to a body of lay trustees and there has been a lay head for many years.


We provide transport to school for pupils from locations across South Oxfordshire making it easy to be part of our community.