CurriculumPastoral Care School Day Learning Support & S.E.N.D
At Our Lady’s Abingdon, education begins at Key Stage 2, a pivotal time for parents to consider the ideal junior education to prepare their child for Senior School.
We make learning exciting and enjoyable. Our passionate teachers inspire enthusiasm and help children make excellent progress. From an early age, pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and develop independence.
Starting at Lower School ensures a smooth, stress-free transition to our Senior School and Sixth Form (OLA 6th), with no entrance exams required.
Engaging Lessons and Activities
Our lessons are designed to be engaging and are supplemented by school trips, workshops, and cross-curricular activities. These experiences make learning fun and memorable.
Monitoring Progress
We carefully monitor each pupil's progress throughout the year. Students take verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests, along with Maths and English assessments at the end of the academic year. The results are reported as standardized scores, which serve as the baseline for the following year.
Parental Involvement
Parents receive regular updates on their child's progress through termly reports and biannual parents' evenings. Additionally, parents are always welcome to discuss their child's learning with the Form Tutor at any time.
Learning Support
For those who need extra help, Learning Support is available to ensure every child can succeed.
Lower-School-Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1006)
We have a flourishing Art Department at OLA Lower School for Key Stage 2 instruction. The children have lots of opportunities to explore a wide range of media. Art is taught in our own Art Room.
The children are encouraged to develop their Art skills through an exciting programme of events which take place throughout the year, including Art competitions, workshops and trips.
In Year 6, children are encouraged to apply for Senior SchoolArt Scholarshipsand we support them in their application.
All children have a timetabled Computing lesson every week. Wherever possible these lessons are cross-curricular so that they learn about computing in a meaningful and purposeful way.
Coding is taught as part of the Computing scheme of work for all years with Year 5 and 6 having additional coding lessons as part of their scheme.
Our scheme also covers using spreadsheets, animation, digital music and presenting information, as well as online safety.
The school is well-resourced. We have a computer suite with 20 computers and children also have access to computers in their classrooms. We are constantly evaluating our Information Technology provision to ensure that we are up-to-date.
The school currently subscribes to a website calledPurple Mashto enhance and support the children’s learning. Purple Mash is an award-winning, cross-curricular website for primary school children that enables them to explore and apply their knowledge in a fun and creative way.
We take Internet safety very seriously at OLA and children are taught how to protect themselves online as part of our curriculum.
Design and Technology
Design and Technology
In our Key Stage 2 Design Technology curriculum, children learn about the processes involved in design, from the earliest stages of planning their work, through to the practical skills, right up to the evaluation of their final product. Children work in small groups with specialist or class teachers, developing their skills in cooking, mechanisms and structures.
Lessons take place in our Senior School’s Design Technology workshops where pupilsenjoy the benefits of the facilities, expertise and resources. They are taught to use pillar drills, try squares, hand drills, saws and the laser cutter.
At Key Stage 2, English is central to the whole curriculum, and the skills our pupilslearn here will equip them for life. Children learn to communicate clearly with others and to understand and appreciate literature. We aim to produce children who are enthusiastic readers, keen and competent writers, children who can listen carefully to others and present their own views confidently and articulately.
Special events such as Book Week, author visits, workshops and competitions take place throughout the year to enthuse the children about English.
Children’s reading is carefully monitored and support is given with choosing texts which provide the right level of challenge, either from the classroom or from our well-stocked library.
Writing is linked to real life contexts where possible and writing skills are used across the curriculum. Spelling and handwriting are taught discretely. We follow a progressive spelling scheme which encourages children to become independent learners who take responsibility for checking, correcting and learning spellings. Grammar is taught, where possible, through the use of engaging texts and as a means of enhancing the children’s writing.
Children are encouraged to participate in discussion, to work supportively with others in pairs or small groups, to ask questions and to put forward their opinions. Many take theEnglish Speaking Boardexams, and achieve excellent results.
The Key Stage 2 Geography curriculum at OLA is an exciting and interesting subject where we aim to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world and their place within it. Children develop their knowledge of people and places and form an understanding of the physical, social and economic forces which shape our lives.
Children start by exploring the world around them, where they live, local cultures including food and languages. This gives them a basis to investigate further afield and identify similarities and differences.
They use both electronic and Ordnance Survey maps to locate towns, cities, countries, mountains, rivers, seas and oceans. They use atlases, photographs and the internet to explore the environment and economics of the countries they study.
Teaching the children about sustainability and our carbon footprint helps them to learn to respect both the local and global environment. They also learn about the importance of agriculture, farming and water, where our food comes from and how it is produced.
Field work, investigation and practical activities play a key part in Geography lessons and our emphasis is on giving the children the skills and knowledge they need to develop into good geographers, and the enthusiasm to continue enjoying Geography at secondary level. Learning is enhanced through visits to local towns and rivers, coasts and mountains further afield.
The Key Stage 2 History curriculum at OLA is a vibrant and exciting subject. We cover a wide variety of topics, from ancient civilisations to local history, with a strong focus on developing historical skills so that children have a strong foundation for future study. Trips to museums, workshops and experience days are used to make the past come to life and instil in our pupils a long-lasting love of history.
The children learn through a variety of approaches including Drama, Music, Art and computer-based learning. Wherever possible we invite people in to share their experiences with the children and enrich their understanding.
The Key Stage 2 Mathematics curriculum at OLA follows a structured Mathematics programme, based on theBusy Ants scheme, which develops children’s fluency in number and confidence with shape while building their problem-solving and reasoning skills. Children are givenlots of opportunitiesto work with physical resources, so that they can gain a firm understanding of the basic concepts.
Throughout the school, children use a wide range of interactive resources to support their learning. The schoolsubscribes toMyMaths, and all children have their own log-in details to access resources at home.
To help with the learning of times tables we are participating inTimes Table Rock Starswhich improves fluency and recall.
Year 5 and 6 children participate in thePrimary Maths Challenge. This is a national competition with high standards which challenges our pupils across the Mathematics curriculum.
Music plays a central role in the life of our school. The OLA Key Stage 2 Music curriculum provides all children with one class lesson of Music a week and the whole school meets for a weekly hymn practice. In lessons we use a variety of resources including theMusic ExpressandMusic All the Timecourses and the lesson plans from theBBC’s 10 Pieces programmein line with the National Curriculum. In addition to the choir and orchestra, there is a very popular African Drumming club and all the children in Year 3 are taught how to play the recorder and read music.
All children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument with highly experienced professional musicians. Lessons in violin, cello, double bass, flute, clarinet, oboe, drums, guitar, saxophone, bassoon, french horn, trumpet, trombone and piano take place in our Senior School. Children take theABRSM music examinationsand Year 6 pupils are encouraged to compete forMusic Scholarshipsin the Senior School for Year 7.
Individual instrumentalists play at our Friday assemblies to give them valuable performing experience. Organised concerts are an opportunity to show off their skills and play in front of an audience.
Every other year the Lower School puts on a musical. Recent successes have includedBugsy MaloneandSplash!
Whether it’s in the classroom, as a member of an ensemble or as a soloist, our aim is for each child to have the opportunity to experience the joy of music making.
Physical Education
Physical Education
PE and Gamesare an important part of life at our Lower School. For the Key Stage 2 curriculum we encourage all children to take a full part in physical activity and aim to realise the full potential of every child, regardless of ability.
The emphasis is on enjoyment, skills development and teamwork. There are regularinter-housesporting competitions throughout the year where the children compete in a range of sports to win the House Cup.
The children have access to a varied programme of PE, taught by specialist PE teachers and coaches from our Senior School. Much of the PE takes place in our Lower School gym, but we also have shared use with our Senior School of a 25m indoor heated swimming pool, sports hall, tennis and netball courts, a multi-use games area and a large sports field.
From their very first days at OLA, children are taught how to swim and have Gymnastics and Dance lessons. They also learn the skills they will need for games such as hockey, netball, football, cricket, tennis and rounders. Children in Year 6 also take part in outdoor and adventure activities on their annual residential to Wales.
To complement the curriculum,sports clubstake place before school, at lunchtimes and after school. Many of the clubs are non-selective and open to children of all abilities, but children who show potential are selected for squad practice and early morning swimming.
Children are selected to play in a variety of fixtures against other independent schools and local primary schools.
The sporting highlight of the year is Sports Day when children compete for the House Athletics Cup.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is at the centre of our curriculum helping our pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage many of the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow up and progress through the school.
Our aim is to support the children in their personal development and citizenship and to promote fundamentalBritish values:
1. Democracy
2. The rule of law
3. Individual liberty
4. Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.SCARF: Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship
Our Programme of Study isSCARFwhich iscentred on a values-based and growth mindset approach, promoting positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement.
There is now a proven link between pupils’ health and wellbeing, and their academic progress. Key skills and positive attitudes developed through comprehensive PSHE are vital to ensure children are effective learners.
SCARF provides a whole-school approach to building these essential foundations – ensuring children achieve their best, academically and socially.
Children learn these crucial skills through discussion, role play and games but many of the principles that we teach are integral to our school community and modelled in day-to-day school life. Children also benefit from whole-school focus days and speakers in assembly.
Religious Studies
Religious Studies
The OLA Key Stage 2 Religious Education curriculum follows theCome and Seeprogramme where pupils are encouraged to ponder on some of the deeper questions they might have, to build an understanding of the Catholic faith and other faiths, to reflect on their own beliefs, and to develop tolerance and understanding of the beliefs of others. While our ethos and traditions are firmly rooted in the Catholic faith, our focus is very much on the personal freedom of the individual.
There are frequent opportunities for children to develop their spirituality. We regularly come together as a school to pray or to reflect and there are services at key points in the liturgical year to which parents are also invited. Many children, whether Catholic or not, choose to participate in the spiritual life of the school, by learning how to serve at the altar or joining the Worship Group. Each year, children organise their own year group Mass, choosing the readings and hymns, and writing the bidding prayers.
Through participating in the daily routines of the school, the children learn to apply Christian principles to everyday life: to treat one another with respect and understanding, to be kind and considerate, putting the needs of others before themselves and to do their best at all times. We also encourage the children to participate in charity fundraising.
The Key Stage 2 Science curriculum at OLA follows a number of Science schemes includingThe Association for Science Education.
In all year groups, emphasis is placed on developing scientific enquiry skills, encouraging the children to consider ideas, evaluate evidence, plan, investigate, record and analyse data.
Pupils in Years 3 and 4 are taught by Form Tutors who focus on introducing the important scientific concepts using interactive resources and child-friendly, hands-on experiments.
Pupils in Years 5 and 6 are taught by the specialist Science teachers from our Senior School. Lessons are taught in the fully equipped Science laboratories where they learnadditional technical skills and how to use more advanced equipment such as Bunsen burners and microscopes.
Cross-curricular opportunitiesare used to develop scientific themes through History, ICT, Creative Writing, Mathematics and Visual Arts.
Science Week
Our whole-school Science Week is centred around a theme such as ‘Flight’, ‘Space’ or ‘Journeys Through Nature’. In recent years we have welcomed experts in fields such as Falconry, Crime Scene Investigation and Environmental Recycling.
Children love to explore their environment and we are very fortunate to have our own pond, gardens, wildlife and Forest School areas. In addition, use is made of local environmental education centres, museums and visiting scientists, not just during Science Week but throughout the school year.