Our Lady's Abingdon - Register for OLA 6th Open Evenings & Taster Days

Register for OLA 6th Open Evenings & Taster Days

These Open Events are specifically for Year 10 and Year 11 pupils and parents and will provide more details about each A-Level course to help you make your A-Level decision. The event is open to OLA pupils and external pupils. Light refreshments will be available. Full details of requirements will be provided before the event to all registrants.

OLA 6th Subject Information Evening 2 October & Taster Day 3 October 2024

    Parent Contact Information

    Parent/Guardian Name*

    Parent/Guardian email address*

    Student Information

    (Name of student interested in OLA 6th)

    Student Name*

    Student email address (if an OLA student use OLA email address)*

    Current School*

    Year you intend to start Sixth Form (select from drop down list)

    [group other-date]
    Year you intend to start Sixth Form?


    A Levels you are interested in investigating

    Select from the list below.
    (While the maximum number of A-Levels you can take is four, we recommend you tick all A-Levels you are interested in at this early stage of enquiry).

    [group other-subjects]
    Other subject you are interested in.


    Career Aspirations

    List the job(s) you would like pursue in the future

    Receive Event Updates

    We would like to provide you with:

    • OLA Virtual Experience event information
    • News about OLA 6th
    • A-Level course updates relevant to your interests
    • Careers information relevant to your interests

    To receive this information please tick below the email address(es) to which you would like this information sent. (Information can be sent to both parent and student if required).

    OLA 6th Open Evening – June 2025

      Parent Contact Information

      Parent/Guardian Name*

      Parent/Guardian email address*

      Student Information

      (Name of student interested in OLA 6th)

      Student Name*

      Student email address (if an OLA student use OLA email address)*

      Current School*

      Year you intend to start Sixth Form (select from drop down list)

      [group other-date]
      Year you intend to start Sixth Form?


      A-Levels you are interested in investigating

      Select from the list below.
      (While the maximum number of A-Levels you can take is four, we recommend you tick all A-Levels you are interested in at this early stage of enquiry).

      [group other-subjects]
      Other subject you are interested in.


      Career Aspirations

      List the job(s) you would like pursue in the future