Our Lady's Abingdon - Lower School Computing

Lower School Computing

Key Stage 2 Curriculum

All children have a timetabled Computing lesson every week. Wherever possible these lessons are cross-curricular so that they learn about computing in a meaningful and purposeful way.

Coding is taught as part of the Computing scheme of work for all years with Year 5 and 6 having additional coding lessons as part of their scheme.

Our scheme also covers using spreadsheets, animation, digital music and presenting information, as well as online safety.


The school is well-resourced. We have a computer suite with 20 computers and children also have access to computers in their classrooms. We are constantly evaluating our Information Technology provision to ensure that we are up-to-date.

The school currently subscribes to a website called Purple Mash to enhance and support the children’s learning. Purple Mash is an award-winning, cross-curricular website for primary school children that enables them to explore and apply their knowledge in a fun and creative way.

Online Safety

We take Internet safety very seriously at OLA and children are taught how to protect themselves online as part of our curriculum.